Nicole & Dominik • Widenmoos, Reitnau

Widenmoos Hochzeit

Ich bin überglücklich dass ich endlich die Fotos von Nicole & Dominik hier teilen darf, was für ein unglaublich schöner, abenteuerlicher Tag!

Nicole & Dominik feierten Ihren allerschönsten Liebestag im Widenmoos dass wirklich eine traumhafte Kulisse für eine Hochzeit bot. Vor Ihrem Ja-Wort gingen die zwei noch auf ein unvergessliches Abenteuer – aber ich will hier niemandem zu viel verraten 🙂 Schaut unten einfach selber 🙂

Nicole & Dominik, herzlichen Dank dass ich mit dabeisein durfte, und Andrea, Du bist ein riesen Schatz! Danke dass Du uns alle in Verbindung gesetzt hast 🙂

Hochzeitslocation: Widenmoos

Helikopterflug: Swiss Helicopter, swiss helicotper wedding

Wunderschöne Blumen, Floristik: Rahel Heimberg

Lucy & Lahcen • Männedorf

I think it’s safe to say that Covid weddings are tricky to plan – especially for couples that have guests in other countries. It’s hard to not be able to plan your big day just how you imagined years ago, your parents can’t attend, your siblings are missing, your old friends from way back when are not there … but you know what?! It’s so nice to see couples enjoying themselves and spend more time just the two of them.

Lucy and Lahcen had a truly beautiful, laid back wedding day, surrounded by some of their closest friends. One can always throw a big party later, but this day was just about them. I loved watching their sparkle in their eyes, listening to their beautiful words together and watch them be silly in the park! There was nobody that was rushing them, there was no fear of not being able to say hi to everybody, no pressure, just a good time 🙂

Lucy and Lahcen, thank you for letting me part of your perfect wedding day, I had truly a wonderful time with the tow of you and wish you nothing but a wonderful future together, filled with love, happy tears and laughter, just like on your wedding day.

I heard that Lucy and Lahcen met on the train tracks,

and just absolutely loved the idea that that was the place for their first look <3

Standesamt: Männedorf

Vanessa & Dominic • Merian Gärten & Weiherschloss Bottmingen

schloss bottmingen, merian gärten, basel, fotograf, hochzeitsfotograf, allschwil,

Eine wunderschöne sommerliche Hochzeit in den Merian Gärten und anschliessendes Fest im Schloss Bottmingen – Hochzeitsfotograf Basel

Manchmal haat selbst eine Hochzeitsfotografin keine Wort mehr (dafür um so mehr Fotos!) 🙂 … Wollte hier ein paar Fotos von Vanessa’s & Dominic’s unglaublich schönen Hochzeit teilen – den zwei Lieben stand das Glück im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes im Gesicht geschrieben 🙂 Nicht nur hatten sie unglaublich viel Glück mit dem Wetter, die Überraschungen rieselten den ganzen Tag, und ich glaube man darf sagen dass ALLE einen wunderschönen, unvergesslichen Tag gehabt haben. Was für ein wunderschönes Pärchen! Liebe Vanessa & Dominic, ich hoffe ihr behaltet Euer herzhaftes Lachen. Ich wünsche Euch von ganzem Herzen alles Liebe – kein Wunder war Nicole so so traurig dass sie Euch an Eurem Tag nicht begleiten konnte, ich schätze mich unglaublich glücklich dass ich Euren wunderschönen Tag mit Euch verbringen durfte <3

Zur Slidshow kommt man HIER 🙂

Merian Gärten Hochzeit
Merian Gärten Hochzeit
Merian Gärten Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
Merian Gärten Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
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Merian Gärten Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
Merian Gärten Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
Merian Gärten Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel

Die Zeremonie fand in den wunderschönen Merian Gärten, in Basel statt.

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Merian Gärten Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel

Gefeiert wurde anschliessend im Weiher Schloss Bottmingen

Schloss Bottmingen Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
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Schloss Bottmingen Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
Schloss Bottmingen Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel
Schloss Bottmingen Hochzeit Hochzeitfotograf Basel

Zeremonie & Apéro: Merian Gärten, Basel

Apéro, Abendessen & Party: Weiher Schloss Bottmingen

Musik: Ancora Tenores / Embolo Foundation

Floristin: Fleuriska

Sarah & Serge • Standesamt Arlesheim / Private Gartenhochzeit in Allschwil & Birsfelden

Ich kann immernoch nicht glauben was für ein Glück Sarah & Serge hatten an ihrem Hochzeitstag. Nach tagelangem Regen und einer nicht sehr guten Wettervorhersage hat sich tatsächlich die Sonne gezeigt! Perfekt für eine private Gartenhochzeit in Allschwil (und später in Birsfelden)! 🙂 Geheiratet haben die zwei Verliebten in Arlesheim, das immer eine wunderschöne Kullisse für Fotos bietet! Bin so froh durfte ich als Hochzeitsfotograf dabei sein und alles für die beiden und die Familien einfangen 🙂

Herzlichen Dank Euch beiden! 🙂 Was für ein perfekter Tag!! 😀

Nun auf zu den Bildern! 🙂

Wie schön ist diese Ringbox, die Serge selber angefertigt hat?! 😀

Der Garten der lieben Familie der Braut (und des Bräutigams!) war wie eine wunderschöne Oase mit den hochen Palmen und einem wunderschönem Teich! 😀
und wie schön bitte war Sarah’s Kleid!! 😀 Ein Traum!
Sarah und Serge haben sich zum ersten Mal (als fast-Mann & Frau) bei Ihren Eltern gesehen, wo Sarah’s Vater ihre Hand an Serge gegeben hat. <3
Ein paar wenige Regentröpfchen hatte es am morgen noch aber das ging dann alles schnell vorbei 🙂
Standesamtlich haben Sarah & Serge in Arlesheim geheiratet 🙂
Diese Kulisse ist doch einfach ein Traum 🙂
Wir sind noch etwas um die Ecke geschlichen und haben nicht nur die schönste Wysteria gefunden sondern auch einen Magnolien Baum der noch geblüht hat! Unglaublich was für Glück die zwei haben! 🙂

Standesamt: Arlesheim

Kleid & Anzug: Brauthaus Plüss

Haare & Make-up: Suzana Danicic, hairtou.ch

Florist/in: Pfiff GmbH

Limo: Limo1

Selina & Or • Standesamt Arlesheim / Ermitage

You know what makes me the happiest? Photographing two souls that the universe brought together, especially if they’re as sweet as Selina & Or!

I loved being able to join them for a few post-wedding photos at the gorgeous Ermitage in Arlesheim. Corona is still somewhat in full swing here, so while big weddings are currently not allowed, I know they’ll someday have a big wedding in Or’s home-country … but in the meantime, I think that was pretty perfect 🙂

Wishing you two beautiful people a lifetime of happiness!

Come on … just how CUTE is their little puppers Lucy?! 😀 Love that she joined in the fun!

Standesamt: Arlesheim

Hochzeitfotos: Ermitage Arlesheim

Mel & Christian • Basel Münster • Standesamt Basel

I wanted to share some photos of a truly wonderful wedding I had the pleasure of photographing a few days ago 🙂 It was such a picture perfect day (ok, it was freezing, but sweet Mel & Christian braved the cold!) – Basel only rarely gets snow like it did this year and it made everything look extra special … AND if you look closely you’ll even spot a bloomig tree!

What special times to get merried these days … Unfortunately I wasn’t able to take part at the ceremony because of the current restrictions, but we sure got some beautiful photos around town to celebrate this wonderful couple and make some memories for years to come! 🙂 The last few photos kinda make me think of Venice with that beautiful purple-glowing winter light and all.

Dear Mel & Christian, thank you SO much for letting me join into your truly perfect day, I had SO much fun with you both and I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek into the set 🙂

A few from Mel & Christian’s first look at the gorgeous Basel Münster 🙂

Just HOW beautiful are these two?!
This view just doesn’t ever get old. I’ve never seen the Kreuzgang empty like this before, it felt like we had it all to ourself! That light peeking through the window just feels so magical, doesn’t it?!

Unfortunately Corona didn’t allow me to attend the ceremony at the beautiful Standesamt, but we made sure the gopro captured some impressions and for the couple to cherisch 🙂

When winter meets spring 🙂
I think the next few photos are my favorites, that winter light is just soooo pretty.
These two are such a wonderful match

Ceremony: Standesamt Basel

Posed Photos: around Basel 🙂

Dounia & Greg • The Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC

Oh do I have a “little” treat for you today! I don’t blog often anymore, but when I do it’s a big post, haha and today I am SO very excited to share some photos from Dounia & Greg’s gorgeous wedding at the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. I honestly don’t even know what to say! I am so lucky to call what I’m doing a job as this was just SUCH a fun event. The days leading up to it were …. not so glamorous, lots of rain and low temperatures, I’d like to say I wasn’t worried, but I was … who would want to say they shot a wedding at the Biltmore and not be able to take photos of the couple with the gorgeous grounds in the backdrop? Not me. BUT it ended up being a perfect day …. even if mostly cloudy and cold, it did not rain … and the sun peaked out just at the time when the sweet couple did their first look while some leaves danced in the air (I’m not kidding). I’ll take an overcast sky any day!

Dounia & Greg, you guys have found each other! Honestly, you two are amazing, so sweet, so beautiful … and your families are welcoming, fun and oh so sweet too! Loved being part of your beautiful day – who wouldn’t have been?! Thank you so much for letting me/us capture your beautiful event!

Shall we look at some photos?! 🙂

Dounia & Greg got dressed at the beautiful Inn on BiltmoreDid I mention that there was some dancing BEFORE the reception. YES!Look at that gorgeous Vera Wang dress and to die for veil!!

Love this photo of Dounia … just soaking it all in :)Isn’t she gorgeous?!Meet Greg, the groom! :)Dounia & Greg decided to do their first look by an old tree on the Estate! I don’t think thy could have picked a more perfect spot …. and look at that sun starting to peek out in the back!

I didn’t know which photos to share .. haha … that tree, the veil … that beautiful couple … One of my favorites!And off they were to the Basilica!The moment when time stands still … Back again on the Biltmore Grounds.That breeze could have not come at a more perfect time … Ahhhh!I loved the dresses! All of them! And I loved that the bridesmaids didn’t have matching dresses … look at that color combination – PERFECT and the flowers …. simple but oh so beautiful! <3 I love people that don’t take life to seriously … Maybe I should just give this groomsman a name for future reference … Let’s call him Brian, shall we?This photo makes me so happy! And don’t you just love that European inspired Building? I want to cry it’s so beautiful!Of course … Brian … haha!Love you guys!! So nice seeing all of you again!The beautiful ladies … Love this one so much!These two were so stinking sweet, well behaved and cute!! <3 The groom’s side! Too beautiful not to share! <3 When you use your wide angle and capture that dark sky right over your head, haha! Makes for a good shot anyways!!

Please don’t pinch me …. this was too beautiful … A few detail photos from Deerpark They didn’t have any fun that night … nobody wanted to dance … You ask what happened to Brian … well … Brian danced off his shoe soles. I’m not kidding, see for yourself!A very special thank you to my second photographer. Thanks for joining me that day Nelya!

Venue: In on Biltmore & Deerpark Biltmore

Church: Basilica Saint Lawrence

Dounia & Greg’s wonderful wedding planner: Tamara from Belle Soiree

Second Photographer – whose photos got sprinkled into this post: Nelya

Videographer: David from Almond Leaf Studios

Hair & Make-Up: Amanda & Kristen from Blush Asheville

Cake: Inn on Biltmore

Florist: Lizzie from Inn on Biltmore

Band: Sweetwater Junction

And a very extra, super huge thanks goes out to Kristen who connected me with this couple. Thank you SOSOSOSOSO much!!! <3

P.s. I’m not quite done with this couple yet, haha … stay tuned for some of their “day before” photos where we explored the grounds even more … rain and all … you don’t want to miss those photos!

Dounia & Greg • Engagement Photos at the Biltmore Estate, Asheville NC

basel hochzeitsfotograf riehen allschwil

I’d love to share some of Dounia & Greg’s “day before” photos that we took on the beautiful Biltmore Estate Grounds & Greenhouse. It was such a cold, rainy day … but honestly, I couldn’t have imagined it any more beautiful. If rainy fall day would just always look so beautiful! <3 And may I just say how MUCH I loved Dounia’s gorgeous dress!?

Biltmore Estate Wedding

Amanda & Brian • Springdale Barrelroom, Framingham, MA

It’s been a while since I posted a wedding and I’m so excited to share the photos from Amanda’s and Brian’s wonderful wedding at the Springdale Brewery. People always ask me how it is shooting wedding, and I always tell them just how different every bride & groom and therefor their wedding is and how much I love it. Amanda & Brian’s wedding was so fun, my first brewery wedding … who would have thought, ha! Such a cool and unique location – I’m sure lots of people were in heaven that day, haha! I loved how intimate their ceremonies were despite a large number of guests.

Amanda & Brian thank you so much for letting me capture your beautiful day, it was truly so much fun! 😀 You are a wonderful couple and I wish you a lifetime of joy, love and laughter <3

And Kristina, thank you so much for joining me that day! I sprinkled some of her beautiful photos in this set to tell the whole story 🙂

I was not part of the wedding preparations the morning of for this wedding, but we took some pretty portraits at the venue 🙂 And remember when I said every wedding is just a tiny little different from an other? Amanda & Brian didn’t have a dance floor, so Brian and his mom decided to take a few minutes and share a sweet little mother / son dance before things got busy :)An impromptu first look, haha! Loved Brian’s expression, haha! :)Such a pretty couple, the low resolution photos really don’t do the photo justice here … Absolutely love this photo 🙂 And a few from outside too 🙂 … because it was spring an a beautiful, perfect day 🙂

Second Photographer: The wonderful Kristina Boulay, please go visit her IG account

Venue: Springdale Brewery

Blake & Kelly • Devil’s Thumb Ranch, Tabernash

I am so excited to share photos from this beautiful wedding at Devil’s Thumb Ranch. I feel lucky to call these two my friends – They are such a beautiful, loving couple and have both a huge heart. I really couldn’t be happier for both of you Blake & Kelly! <3 I hope you enjoy this little sneak peek! 🙂

Blake and Kelly got married at the beautiful Devil’s Thumb Ranch, in Tabernash Colorado on a beautiful summer day in June. Their wedding day was filled with lots of love and joy – it was a very emotional day to say the least!

A very special shout out to my second photographer Jennifer whose photos are mixed into this set <3

I absolutely love all the grooms portraits, hope you do too! 🙂

I wasn’t sure if I should mention what happened the day before, but since there is a happy ending …. I’ll mention their sweet pup Lex that the couple adopted a few months ago. He was supposed to be part of the ceremony … but … out of all days, he decided he’d get cold feet and ran off the night before their big day. Talk about an emotional day! The sweet couple and a bunch of their friends spent the night and following morning looking for him but with no luck. It was really heartbreaking to say the least, but Kelly and Blake never gave up hope and eventually – 10 days after the wedding! Sweet Lex was found! I think I could hear the huge sigh of relief in their big circle of friends! <3

If you follow my wedding posts at all … I’m really bad at picking just a few photos, haha! But I just love too many! So …. here we go! 🙂

Aren’t they just such a handsome couple? <3http://photos.smugmug.com/Blog/n-XnW4c/B-2018/i-n4fRDDZ/0/b5838e44/X2/118Blake%26Kelly_June2018_2877-X2.pnghttp://photos.smugmug.com/Blog/n-XnW4c/B-2018/i-5z3Rn6W/0/bd46b684/XL/131Blake%26Kelly_June2018_3289-XL.png

A very special shout out to:

Venue: Devil’s Thumb Ranch, Tabernash, CO

Wedding Planer: Wanda from Blue Linden Weddings & Events

Second Photographer: Jennifer Lourie

Florist: Paul Wood Florist

Videographer: Joe Vasos

Baker: Goldmine Cupcakes

Highlights Colorado

Colorado Wedding Photographer, Denver Wedding Photographer, Tabernash Wedding Photographer, Devil’s Thumb Ranch Wedding

Rohana & Michael • Private Residence, Steamboat Springs, CO

I have shot hundreds of weddings through the years and often I get asked where my favorite wedding was. It is such a tricky question to answer ….every wedding is so different – I have shot weddings in Switzerland, Sweden, England the Caribbean, both US Coasts and many places in between … I have shot at jaw dropping huge and tiny venues, weddings on beaches, lakes, boats, castles, on tiny camp grounds, I have seen the craziest and most beautiful details, but in the end, my favorite weddings are the ones where it’s all about the couple promising each other a life full of love & happiness. This wedding was just that. A tiny, intimate ceremony at a beautiful ski resort that got a TON of snow the night before (haha – we were knee deep in!). It was just the couple – exchanging their deepest vows in front of their closest relatives. It was beautiful. I am not saying big weddings aren’t fun – they sure are … but this was so simple yet so perfect.

Rohana & Michael, may your life be as beautiful as your first day together as husband & wife <3

Those flowers, so so pretty! <3 And this absolutely stunning bride! <3 Rohana you looked GORGEOUS! <3 The handsome groom 🙂 Yay me for posting the same photo twice, haha … just ignore and keep scrolling 🙂 You didn’t even realize? Even better! 🙂 Love the ski socks and boots, hehe! 🙂 Quick grab of somebody with some very cold hands and sweet hubby that offered his pockets, hahaha! 🙂Love so many of Rohana & Michael’s set, but this one might just have to be my favorite 🙂 Gotta love a fun family that’ll throw some cold snow for a cool photo, hehe 🙂haha 🙂 And which photographer would be able to resist taking some pretty night shots on a wintery day 🙂

Thanks for everything!! <3

Florist: The Tall Tulip

Steamboat Springs Wedding, Steamboat Springs Wedding Photographer, Colorado Wedding Photographer, Fort Collins Wedding Photographer

Nicole & Steff • Park Hotel am Rhein & Sans Souci, Allschwil

Ohhhhhh so excited to share my most recent wedding that I was lucky enough to travel to beautiful Switzerland for! Photographing a beautiful, sweet, loving couple in one of the most beautiful countries …. doesn’t get much better than that, right? 🙂

I met Nicole a few years ago on a trip through the US, and I was so very happy when she reached out to told me that she found the love of her life and that they’re getting married and even more happy when she asked if I wouldn’t mind photographing their big day 🙂 Uhm …. suuuure I’ll do THAT!! 🙂

Honestly, Nicole & Steff are just meant to be! Their day was filled with so much love and hugs and happy tears by everybody, I was so very grateful to be there and capture it all 🙂 Dear Nicole & Stefan, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful day with me, I hope you enjoy your photos! 🙂

Gotta love Steff’s beautiful suit, I love all the details <3

The wedding took place in beautiful Rheinfelden. Nicole and her 2 sweet bridesmaids getting ready 🙂 LOVE Nicole’s bridal portraits. I mean … I was in heaven!! <3 Such a gorgeous bride, and I love that smile 🙂

and those pretty flowers! <3 Love the color combination 🙂 Dreamy, right?!So. Very. Gorgeous.I love the fact that dad got the very “first look”. I was tearing up just working on those photos again, haha! So very sweet! <3 Look at this beautiful place! Zivilstandesamt in Rheinfelden <3 Part of the big wedding ceremony in Switzerland is signing the marriage papers. Look at this beautiful room <3 And I loved the old paintings <3So much love! And I love that huge, welcoming hug from dad <3

<3Nicole & Steff had their cocktail hour at the beautiful Park Resort in Rheinfelden, right at the water.Absolutely love this one 🙂 Such a beautiful couple <3Dreamy <3Ahhhh! <3Found this little gem in the park! 🙂


And a few from their reception at Sans Souci in Allschwil

Zivilstandesamt, Rheinfelden

Park Hotel am Rhein, Rheinfelden

Sans Souci, Allschwil

Hair & Make-up: Dein Tag Styling

Hochzeitsfotograf Basel, Hochzeitsfotograf Schweiz, Hochzeitsfotograf Rheinfelden, Hochzeit Sans Souci, Hochzeit Park Hotel am Rhein

Swiss Wedding Photographer, Swiss Wedding, Schweizer Hochzeit

Nicole & Chris • An Intimate Wedding Ceremony at The Mount and Reception at The Wheatleigh, Lenox, MA

Oh my goodness do I have a beautiful post to share today! Soso excited!!

I honestly don’t even know where to start …. Nicole & Chris are one of the sweetest couples I have met, so very loving, kind, and welcoming. I was so excited when Nicole contacted me, and when I heard about the venue … my goodness! I mean, you could have not picked a more beautiful venue (or two) to have a wedding, Nicole! Both, The Mount with it’s perfect Italian style garden AND The Wheatleigh, a grand French country chateau just take one’s breath away, it really just couldn’t have been a more perfect day and I was one luck and oh so happy wedding photographer that day.

Nicole & Chris, I hope these photos are everything you hoped for! Thank you so much for letting me document your beautiful, picture perfect wedding!

I know, I know …. photos! Here we go! 🙂

This one just takes my breath away!!That beautiful dress!

I don’t even know what to say. I was in heaven 🙂

The gorgeous bride!And some of the handsome groom right before the ceremony … what a pair! <3Can you imagine going down a beautiful aisle like this?!What a picture perfect location. Love this one <3

Thank goodness, a few smiles make everything better 🙂 I. LOVE. ALL. THE. SMILES!!! <3I love intimate weddings, especially when the families are as sweet as Nicole & Chris’.This family is so gorgeous, welcoming and sweet, might just have to share a few while I’m at it 🙂<3And that’s it. My updated portfolio is officially spilling over with these two, haha! 🙂 This wedding just screams elegance. Elegance and pure joy! <3I just looooved these trees!! <3hahaha! 🙂 I could photograph these two all day long …This backdrop … My goodness! <3Nah! Love this one!!Gotta love a silly couple that is up for just about anything! <3Such beautiful grounds!Pure elegance! Everything looked so very perfect! And the flowers, I loved the flowers!I might have sneaked out for a few minutes to grab these 🙂 Just a few photos of their intimate dinner 🙂Finishing up with one of my favorites, just love everything about it – wish everybody could experience it in a huge size. The Wheatleigh, what a gorgeous venue!!

That’d be a wrap! 🙂

Nicole & Chris you guys are both amazing! I am so grateful you let me take photos of your beyond perfect day, I can’t thank enough! <3

Cheers to a wonderful future Mrs & Mr B! <3

Ceremony Venue: The Mount, Edith Wharton’s Home, Lenox – a very special thanks to Kelsi, who took so well care of everybody on the big day.

Reception Venue: Wheatleigh, Lenox

Second Photographer: Geneve Rege – thank you so much for joining me sweet friend!!

Florist: Daisy Stone Studio


Boston Wedding Photographer, Berkshires Wedding Photographer, Denver Wedding Photographer, Fort Collins Wedding Photographer, Swiss Wedding Photographer, Schweizer Hochzeitsfotograf, Basel Hochzeitsfotograf




Moriah & Matthew • Air Force Academy, Cadet Chapel, Colorado Springs, CO

If you’re following me on facebook, you’ve seen some photos of Moriah’s & Matthew’s gorgeous Air Force Chapel wedding already, and I’m so excited to finally share the full set here! Moriah & I have been friends for quite some years now. When my husband decided we’d move to Colorado about 5 years ago, I knew I’d miss my tightly knit photographer community. It’s not too easy to find friends in the industry especially if you are somewhat direct competitors, but I just had to get in touch with her as I loved her work and I was SO excited to hear back from her after my initial email! It’s fun to hang out with other creative minds and talk business 🙂 Well, a few years passed since and I was SO excited to hear when Moriah & Matthew got engaged! There was that hidden hope they’d pick me to shoot their wedding, but you can’t force your style onto anybody … and my goodness was I excited when they asked me to photograph their wedding! 🙂 They are a truly wonderful couple, and I’m just so very happy for them that they found each other!

Having said this, I’ll tell you, it’s a little intimidating to shoot an other photographers wedding (or do any shoots with them really, haha), but oh so much fun! Especially since you know that they’ll be easy to pose (hehe) and my goodness …. the venue they picked!! DREAMY!!!! What should I say? The day was filled with SO many (beautiful!) smiles, and my goodness, Moriah did you look gorgeous – you looked pretty handsome too, Matthew!!! 🙂

Enough said! On to the photos!! 🙂I absolutely love Moriah’s engagement ring!Love Moriah’s brother in this shot 🙂 I think it’s safe to say, it was a happy day 🙂I mean …. how beautiful …. … and GLAMOROUS is she?!?!Moriah & Matt decided to do a first look so we could walk around the grounds in peace 🙂 I can’t even …

We just had the perfect amount of (unexpected) wind, haha!LOVE these! But then … my goodness, I love them all!Steamy 🙂 That beautiful smile!Which photographer will leave her/his camera at home on their wedding day?! Haha!!Sooooo beautiful!The guys 🙂Such a sweet crowd! 🙂 Good times, haha! 🙂I just love this one; Sweet Moriah and her man of honor and matron of honorThat backdrop!!!And my goodness, that chapel!!! Most beautiful chapel I have ever shot at, period!!!I couldn’t resist to take a few inside too!SO. VERY. BEAUTIFUL!!!Oooopsie, Anya crashed yet an other wedding this year, haha! 🙂 Cuties 🙂Late night editing fun …. ;oPAhhhhhh!I’ll say it’s a little weird to be the friend at your wedding that will take your wedding photos, haha! For a day I was that famous uncle with that fancy camera that thinks he should do your wedding, haha! But everybody was so very sweet to me, I promise I’ve done weddings before :oPSaber Arch 🙂 Such beautiful flowers!Ceremony program design by the very talented bride herself!You know I’m not quite done yet, right? 🙂 Their photos just make me so very happy. So much love! So many smiles!That’s it!!! Thanks SO much for having me, all of us, haha! 🙂 Cheers to many happy years! <3


Ceremony: Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, Colorado Springs, CO

Second Photographer: Chad Stewart

Hair & Make-up: Orchidee Salon & Spa

Florist: Avenue Blooms

Bridal Salon: LWD Bridal

Dress Designer: Matthew Christopher

Band: That Eighties Band

And their beautiful invitations were designed by the very talented Moriah Riona, love your work girl!!!



Kristina & Jacob • Dell-Lea, Chichester, NH

Oh my goodness do I have a special treat on my blog today!  This is one beautiful set of a sweet, sweet couple saying YES at a beautiful spot on a perfect day. Can’t get much better, right? Loved all the silly shots with the bridal party also, haha! And how perfect was the venue? Those views towards the rolling hills, just beautiful ad a touching ceremony to the mix and you have pretty much a picture perfect, remarkable wedding day.

Kristina & Jacob, thanks soso much for letting me document your fairytale wedding, we had so much fun with you! <3

A very special thanks to Savannah who joined me that day 🙂 Thanks for your help, girl! 🙂

Oh my gosh, those shoes!!! LOVE them. I could never wear them at a wedding, but my goodness are they pretty!Surpriseeee, who knew?! 🙂 So fun! 🙂 Sparkly!So this one might be my all time favorite bridal photo. My gosh!!!

But then …. Kristina rocked ALL of her photos, and we got a TON.*no words*!!!That smile!Kristina, I mean seriously … We were able to sneak just a few more photos at the venue before I met the guys .. and when I say “just a few”, I’m lying. Oooopsie!Uhm yup!! Gorgeous!Just so beautiful!!!Too much!And those flowers?! LOVE them!!SO pretty!The florist better gets those photos!Kristina and her besties 🙂 She has a lot of friends, ha!A lot of super pretty, fun and silly friends!! 🙂 Ready for the guys?Meet sweet Jacob! 🙂 Time to say YES! 🙂 I know you guys were excited about this day for a long time, and I’m so happy for you guys, and HEY!! It did NOT rain! What a perfect day!!I just really love this shot! You can tell, they’re good friends.Kristina read some a diary entry from when she met Jacob. May I say that my tears were flowing? Ahhhhhh. Busted!! Thank goodness for a big camera in front of my nose 🙂 Ahhhh, love this shot!!! Couldn’t be any more perfect (if I may say so myself, haha!)What. A. Day!!! Super sweet couple, perfect weather, beautiful venue, some tears shed, I mean … what else would you want on your wedding day?!Tehehe 🙂Soooo fun!A fuuun bridalparty, haha!A few more of just the girls, couldn’t resist 🙂 Don’t blame the photographer, haaahaaa!! 🙂 Can you tell that some of them are professional performing artists? Ha!!I mean we already know she killed her photos, right? Why do I even post more?!Photos of the sweet couple! Ahhhh, so pretty!Kristina brought some props, ha!You guys!!Steamy! :oPSo freaking gorgeous!!!AND sweet!and happy!Think we’re only half way trough their set …. just kidding … but then probably not.I’d say this bride got her forever afterAlmost done with their photos, just a few more! 🙂I could keep going and going 🙂 Ahhhhhh!!! Will be on my website in no time!Alright, alright …. we’re done! 🙂 Party time! 🙂Look at those pretty center pieces! All crafted my the bride’s mom! <3Kristina surprised Jacob with a song 🙂 I don’t really ever share videos on here, but one of their guests (Philip Sliney) grabbed a fun video and I figured I’d post it. You just gotta check it out, what a fun surprise!

Kristina, you have a heck of a talent!!

These cracked me up, hehe! Some bridesmaids took the bouquet toss very seriously 😀Good times!Alright, just a fewwwwww more! 🙂 And these!!! Oh my!!!Couldn’t decide which one I liked better, so here’s a slightly different crop. That’s it, that’s the last photo! 🙂 Were you part of the wedding? The gallery will be ready later tonight, so make sure you get in touch with the sweet couple to check out some of the other photos 🙂 The gallery is HUGE (surprise there!!). 3,600 photos. I need a vacation!! 🙂 And they lived happily ever after 🙂

That’s it! Oh my gosh!! What a long post, haha! Next wedding I’ll be shooting will be in Colorado! *Finally* So excited!! 🙂 But next up on the blog will be a few family / baby photos … I’m still not caught up with all my photos from my Boston family sessions (oh-oh!!) and more local shoots are already on the calendar 🙂

Big, big congrats again, Kristina & Jacob! And a lifetime filled with happiness!! <3

Ceremony & Event Venue: Dell-Lea, Chichester, NH

Second Photographer: Savanna Dos Santos

Videographer: Anthony Moreschi

Hair & Make-up: Salon K

Florist: Cobblestone Design Company

Caroline & Peter • Northriver Yacht Club, Tuscaloosa, AL

My goodness, where do I start? Considering how long I’ve been thinking about this blog post, I have to admit, I’m still out of words.

Caroline & Peter’s wedding was just breathtaking! What a way to stat off life together! I can say with no doubt that everybody had the best time, and I mean the VERY best time! Tuscaloosa people sure know how to celebrate a couple and the band did such an *amazing* job – honestly … best band I have ever heard at a wedding! Caroline’s mom did such a beautiful job making everything look SO beautiful and making everybody feel so welcome and the venue … my goodness!! I really don’t know what to say, I know this wedding will stick with me for a long, long time, I hope everybody will enjoy the little peek into their huge set.

Caroline & Peter, you are a wonderful, sweet, caring couple, I wish you nothing but the best! Congratulations again and thanks for having me! 🙂


Caroline’s beautiful dress:

My goodness, everything looked just so beautiful, the dress, the glamorous shoes … even the hanger! Can I please have a hanger like that?! Ha!I can’t get over the shoes!!Meet Caroline, the beautiful bride 🙂 Good times, with good friends 🙂 One with her sweet mom too 🙂 Ahhhh, so gorgeous!!I mean, seriously! How gorgeous is she?!?!Soooo beautiful!!And the flowers! Oh my!!! No words!Ahhhh!Meet the handsome groom, Peter 🙂 Caroline & Peter decided to do their photos before the ceremony, so we sneaked to NorthRiver before the reception:Love these!!Ohhhh my gosh!! That look!This one might be my favorite, but then … I like them all!There she is again! SO gorgeous!!Love this one too! 🙂 Meet their HUGE bridal party! That’s 29 people!Handsome group of friends!Don’t blame the photographer for all the photos, haha! I have no idea what happened here … Anybody feeling like being the King of the world on the Titanic? 🙂 Or maybe we got a little breeze? It sure was a HOT, humid day, and the guys (and the bride!) got all my respect staying cool while we were taking photos 🙂 Ok, group hug! Uhm … what’s happening here?There we go! 🙂 And don’t forget … hands in your pockets … it only took a few shots 🙂 There we go 🙂Handsome! 🙂 Everybody likes a casual, chatty photo, right? Uhm guys … hello … anybody still with me? Ha!It’s the ladies turn 🙂

Aaaaahhhh, so beautiful!!How about a chatty shot? 🙂 What should I say? They’re pros!! 🙂 I love all the photos! I have a feeling you girls will be all over my website 🙂Sister! <3BEAUTIFUL sister!!Caroline & Peter celebrated their ceremony at St. FrancisAaaaaaand the photographer is tearing up. Since I have daughters on my own, dads walking their daughters down the aisle make me all teary eyed. What a beautiful church! I am still a little sad that we had to stay in the back, I’ll just never get used to it. It’s sad that some photographers were so disruptive that in some States it’s just not allowed to be on the side / front, but it makes me sad I didn’t get to document any close-ups. 🙁Yay! 🙂 Congrats again!! 🙂

Ahhhhhh, excuse the venue-photos-over-share. Eeeeek, but everything looked SO gorgeous!!!Are you speechless yet? I know I was!!

Those flowers!!My gosh!!!Look at that!! What a place!I know, I know … I’m still not done … I could keep going an going … The cake! My goodness!!!!Ok, last one!These two!! 🙂 Mr. and Mrs. McLean! 🙂 Father / daughter dance … with a dance-crashing grandpa, but I think nobody minded 🙂 Mother / son 🙂 Fun!Ok … are you guys ready for some serious dance shots?! I LOVE a good party! And with that band, backdrop and that AWESOME crowd … I was in heaven 🙂You know it’s a good party if grandpa gets on the dance floor 🙂 Sorry, 3 of these I already posted above … but … in case you missed them, ha!Fun, fun, fun!!Well, that’s it! With 3300 photos I’m calling this a wrap! What an awesome couple, bridal party, venue, day, evening, EVERYTHING! I feel like I need to go on a vacation now, haha!

Hope you enjoyed the photos. I’ll upload some of them to their facebook gallery, so feel free to (re)-visit if you want to leave a comment on a certain photo 🙂

Thank you Caroline, Peter and Suzie for having me … and for everybody for all the smiles, especially to the bridal party, I know it was hot, hot, hot that day (sorry I looked like a red tomato, haha!) AND a very special thank you to Amanda for flying out from Florida and second shooting with me that day, thanks girl!!

Congrats Caroline & Peter!!!!


Ceremony: St. Francis of Assisi, University Parish, Tuscaloosa, AL

Wedding Venue: Northriver Yacht Club, Tuscaloosa, AL


Second Photographer: Amanda Faber

Wedding Planner: M. Elizabeth Events

Videographer: Kyle Sliger Productions

Floral Design: KG Designs

Entertainment: Compozitionz

Hair/Makeup: Emily Somerville

Cake Baker: Barb’s Cakes

Ceremony Musicians: Bonnie Furuto

Bagpiper: Birmingham Bagpiper, Ryan Morrison

Lighting: A.G. Lighting

Group Transportation: Rare Transportation

Bride + Groom Transportation: Coats Classic Cars

Rentals: Special Events

Tuscaloosa Wedding Photographer: Yours truly 🙂 A Brilliant Photo

Susan & Corey • Private Estate, Martha’s Vineyard, MA

This wedding will always have a very special place in my heart. Not only is the bride friends with some very good friends of ours but they also held their wedding on Martha’s Vineyard, where I’ve been dying to shoot! :o) Their entire wedding was just SO perfect, from start to finish! Beautiful weather, not too hot, and definitely not cold, Susan made everything look just beautiful – in fact if I were to do my wedding over again, this is exactly how I’d want it (well, assuming I’d have a cool aunt that’d chop down trees for my wedding tent, haha). They got married at one of the most beautiful, bright churches I’ve ever seen …. and held their cocktail hour  & reception at Corey’s aunt’s house which was located directly by the sea. I mean, doesn’t get much better, right?! Beautiful views and tasty sea food! YUM! Talk abotu spoiling your wedding guests!

Thank you guys SO much for letting us capture your beautiful day!! I hope you enjoy this little recap :o)

Susan & Corey held their ceremony at the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown, on Martha’s Vineyard and celebrated all night long at Corey’s Aunt’s residence at Oak Bluffs.

A very special thanks to my second photographer, Savannah whose photos are sprinkled into the set below.

Ready for some wedding photos? Here we go :o)

Susan’s gooorgeous dress:

Love the little birdhouse in the back :o)

If I were to do my wedding over again, I think this would be the bouquet I would want. How beautiful is that?!?! LOVE the soft colors!

Her maid of honor’s bouquet was beautiful also:

Meet Susan, the gorgeous bride!

I just love ALL the pre-ceremony portraits we got from her … I did a slightly different processing on these than usual, just love the soft, dreamy colors :o)

Soooo pretty!

Family <3

And one showing off their gorgeous rental house!

Meet Corey, the groom with the bluest eyes ever … and his brothers! :o)

Uhm, yup that’s me out at the front, hehe :o)

The Old Whaling church is suuuuch a beautiful building! Talk about spoiling your wedding photographer with all that natural light! My goodness!!!

And you gotta love it when the groom tears up :o)

Susan’s dad was also the officiant at their wedding, makes everything just so much more personal!

I’d say they are one loving, happy family :o)

This shot is a little insider (see party photos later) :o)

The bridal party! :o) Photos taken right in front of the pretty Dr Daniel Fisher’s House around the corner from the church.

And a few of the gorgeous couple. Uhm … sorry for the amount of photos, I could just NOT decide which ones to post :o)

We stopped by the Lighthouse in Edgartown before heading out to Corey’s Aunt’s house:

I loved their pretty details, made with so much love!

Recognize the couple in the middle? 2 of my favorite “wedding crashers” and best friends :o)) Hi Kristen & Joss :o)

This girl sure knows how to make everything look pretty! From the pretty center pieces, to the napkins, the table numbers, the table runners … the candle holders … heck, even the tables and chairs … everything was so beautifully picked and hand crafted with so much love! Just beautiful!

I think the photos we took after the sun set are some of my favorites from the day. Looooved the pretty sky, soso pretty!

Never mind me posting the same photo twice, haha!

Ok, so … I’ll admit I’m the WORST when it comes to narrowing down photos for my blog, haha! Be prepared, bellow are a TON of party photos, but hey everybody had such a wonderful time and the dance floor was packed at ALL times, it’s hard to not keep shooting … and posting :o))

Oh no she didn’t …. YES she did :o))

You didn’t think I was already done posting party photos, right? ;o)

<3 <3 <3

Martha’s Vineyard Wedding Photographer, A Brilliant Photo

Susan & Corey • Engaged & almost married :o)

I guess I should start calling myself a destination photographer since in the past few years I’ve had to travel to ALL my weddings … but then I still call Boston my second home as that’s where we moved from and where most of my clients are (I love you guys all!) :o) Every once in a while though even the couple has to travel to their wedding location (ha!) so we share the same “destiny” and don’t really get to meet until the week of. I always strongly recommend a skype meeting in case we can’t meet for an interview before they book me (hey, you never know what kind of weirdo vendor you book, haha), but if for some reason that is not possible I REALLY insist on meeting a few days ahead of the big day to get some pre-wedding photos taken. There is a lot to be said to meeting the person that you’ll be smiling & around for for a full day. A quick little engagement / pre-wedding session will take away some of the stress and initial awkwardness and you’ll see you’ll be posing like pros on your big day :o) + it’s just nice to get to know each other a little bit and chat in between photos :o)

I absolutely love the photos I got of sweet Susan and her almost hubbers Corey. They took me to a beautiful beach on Martha’s vineyard where Corey grew up. You gotta scroll down, I reallllllly love some of the sunset photos we got by the rocks, soooooo very pretty!

Stay tuned for their beautiful wedding photos, I’ll post them in not too long :o)

Martha’s Vineyard Wedding Photographer, A Brilliant Photo

Ankita & Sachin • Mehndi Party & Cocktails at Finale

Here are a few photos I don’t usually post, but hey … I thought there were so many smiles, and Ankita & Sachin threw SUCH a fun Mehndi Party that I just couldn’t resist :o) So …. excuse all the candids, and funny photo bomb photos, I hope I’ll put some smiles on your faces :o))

First off, …. of course I couldn’t resist taking just a FEW posed photos of the pretty couple – you know me :o)

Excuse me!!! What’s that finger on the left doing there!?!? Haha … I didn’t even see it sneaked in until I looked at the photos once I was back home again :o)) Sneaky-sneaky!

Let’s try that again! :o)

Not really sure you can see the “kiss stamp” on the 2 photos above, but it’s there and in big it looks too sweet :o)

Soso many smiles :o)

Figured I might as well post some more casual family photos, while I’m at it :o)

Have I mentioned that there was a serious photo bomber in the crowd?? :o))

There was loooots of singing, chanting and …. then they danced …. and danced. People from India sure know how to party!

And a few informal photos from Ankita’s & Sachin’s cocktail party at Finale – yummmmm!

First off a few of the couple :o))

Did you spot the photo bomber?? ^^  :o))