I haven’t done a trash the dress shoot in sooo long, and I can’t even tell you how much I love shooting them! ESPECIALLY when I get to do them with a sweet couple like Sarah & Bobby! I’m getting spoiled! :o) The weather that day was a … different story … As some of you guys know my Cape Cod week was not so kind to me, haha! I think Sarah & I canceled the shoot about 6 times that day, BUT they ended up driving all the way to the Cape after all and even if the weather changed it’s mind every second minute, I think we got an awesome set, but you guys will have to see for yourself!
Sarah & Bobby, thank you SO much for staying positive the entire time – raindrops, thunderstorm or bright sunshine, you guys were so much fun to shoot and a truly sweet, sweet couple! <3
Doncha just love this photo?
Such a handsome couple!
And I just looove this one!! Prettyness!
Look at those blue eyes!!!
And some from right after the thunderstorm. Telling you, we had eeevery possible weather situation (ok, no snow nor hail – guess I should count myself lucky, haha!)
One of the sky after our shoot:
And one last one from that day:

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