So happy to share this set, it belongs on my bucket list, since Nicholas & his parents are some of my dearest friends :o) I was just trying to look up his first shoot on my blog, but had to realize that his *very first shoot* was actually PBT: pre-blog time (wowzy!), so I can just share some from the second shoot I had with him (sorry for the really bad quality, they were imported from my old blogger-blog).
I love this little guy, if you know him – or even just look at him you know why! He is one of the sweetest and kindest boys I know!
So here are some of my most recent photos of this little sweetheart:
Look at those beauuutiful eyes!! Isn’t he just adorable??
And I sneaked in a couple with his mommy too :oD
Those 2 are just a real dream-team. Paige, I SO envy you for the relationship you guys have, I hope one day I will have the same with Anya! Seriously, I could just listen to you guys talk for hours!
Thanks for a really fun afternoon, I hope I’ll see you guys again next year! :o)
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