It’s time again to post some wedding photos, I bet some of you guys have been waiting already! :o)
I met Kaitlyn & Michael a bit over a year ago, and I knew then already that this wedding will be sparkling with some beautiful personal touches as I could tell that Kaitlyn had a great eye for details when she was looking trough my sample albums. And boy, it would be an understatement if I’d say she put a lot of thoughts into the little things. I loved them all. (Uhm, and as a side note, can I mention their fun engagement shoot? – Fun times!) :o)
Kaitlyn & Michael held their ceremony at the beautiful, old First Parish in Plymouth and partied all night long at the Pinehills Golf Club.
I looooved Kaitlyn’s beautiful dress, and did you check out the detail on the hanger and the shoes?? Fun!
Kaitlyn gave her parents embroidered handkerchiefs. I didn’t really read what’s written on them until I started working on the set once I was back home …. and I’ll have to admit it, it brought tears to my eyes when finally read it. Not sure if you’ll be able to read it on the small photo below, so I’ll just type it up:
“Mom, To dry your happy tears on my wedding day, as you have always dried mine. Thank you for teaching me live, laugh and love. I love you always.”
And her dad’s handkerchief says:
“Dad, Thank you for walking by my side today and always. As you give me away today, remember I will always be your little girl. I love you always.”
Kaitlyn’s shoes matched perfectly the bridesmaids dresses and their flowers. Love this shade of blue, very pretty
The beautiful bride, Kaitlyn:
Haha, must be one of my favorites from the day. Kaitlyn & her dad:
Kaitlyn & Michael got married at the old First Parish church in Plymouth, whose history dates back to 1620.
A few photos of the guys before the ceremony:
Absolutely LOVE this one:
And how beautiful are these boutonnieres?
Meet Mike, the groom of the day!
And an other one of my favorites:
Isn’t the church just gorgeous?
And a couple in front of the church before we headed out to Plymouth for some more pics:
I seriously loved all the details their had. If I remember correctly this board was give by one of their friends:
Geneve got this one, love it:
Ha! Couldn’t resist to play around with some textures for a couple of shots, call it midnight entertainment (‘caus this wedding photographer gets barely any sleep these days, haha) :o)
Pretty, pretty. What a backdrop!
And a couple with Rachel, their beautiful flower girl:
The Pinehills Golf Club has soo many beautiful hidden spots. Loved shooting there.
You are just a really, really sweet couple, have I told you that already?
One from Geneve‘s set:
I think Kaitlyn got this board. What a fun idea!! :o)
Ok, we’re getting closer to my favoties :o) I’ll start with a couple of Kaitlyn:
Cute, cute, cute :o)
One of my top 2 from the day :o)
Told Mike we were done with the photos, I’d say calling him ‘happy’ would be an understatement, haha … but … there was one more (of course) > I hear Geneve giggling, there is aaaallllways one more when you hire me :o))
Ok, THIS ONE IS IT! This one is my favorite :o)
Details, details, details …. there is nothing better for a photographer (ok, besides a really fun couple to work with – of course)
How about an entrance like this? Haha! Way to go!
Let me tell you, I was happy I had the camera in front of the nose! I don’t remember which toast got me, but … Dear parents of the bride, those were some of the sweetest toasts ever! Boy!
Bahahahahaha (with a happy end – this time anyay, haha):
That’s it for now! What a wedding! I hope you guys are enjoying your honeymoon in Costa Rica!! Have some cocktails for me at the pool. I’ll talk to you soooon :o)
Thanks again (for the last time for a while) to my woooooonderful second shooter Geneve, please visit her website, she does beautiful work!

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