Alrighty, I will admit I am WAY behind with my sneak peeks, and so I figured I better catch up before my to-do list collapses on me ;o)
I shared this set on facebook a while back, but I think we all agree that the image quality on FB just doesn’t do the photos justice, so here are a few larger versions :o)
Erika and Jake are SUCH a suuuper sweet and funny couple, I had a blast at their shoot (1st real engagement shoot in Colorado! Wohoo!) :o) *Unfortunately* I will not able to shoot their wedding this September, boo :o( BUT I hope you guys have a wonderful day and until then I’ll keep my fingers crossed we’ll be able to do a post wedding shoot later this year :o)
Oh! For those of you familiar with the area, wondering where the photos were taken … Erika & Jake picked the pretty Mesa Trail (just a few minutes outside Boulder) as their backdrop, what a beauuutiful spot, right?? :o)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for a woooonderful afternoon! I know you guys already saw the whole set, but I *had* to share a few here on my blog also :o)

The handsome couple:

Loooove this old tree, what a landscape, right?

Isn’t Erika just beauuutiful in this one??
Lucky Jake:

And one from behind the scenes :o))) You guys have no idea how windy it was that day, haha! AND sunny! We were trying to beat the rain (there was a storm brewing up in the mountains), so we had to schedule the shoot during some harsh sunlight. Thanks for being such great sports, guys!!! :o))

Who can resist taking a ring shot on a heart-shaped cactus during an eng shoot … :o)) HAD to happen ;o)

Love this shot, definitely one of my favorites from the day:

And isn’t this ring super pretty?? It’s an antique … Love it!

Can’t wait to see the photos from your wedding! :o)