Love this interview by Voyage Denver. I feel so honored to be included on their beautiful website. Read the full interview, click HERE.

Love this interview by Voyage Denver. I feel so honored to be included on their beautiful website. Read the full interview, click HERE.
I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this little sweetie since he was born, and I can not believe he’s 3 already! He was all smiles during our shoot, so ridiculously sweet!
Cute, cute, cute!! What can I say?
Haha! Cheeeeseeee
So very sweet! <3
And one of sweet Nancy & Kendrick too
Still smiling …
Haha! Bye little guy! Hope to see you again next year
Fort Collins Family Photographer
I love documenting all the cute baby stages. At 4 months they’re such sweet little babies, so happy and giggly Little Owen was no different, pure 4 months deliciousness
Don’t you just want to eat him up?
That look, haha!
Those cheeks!!!
Just too sweet! <3
And one with mommy
Do you need something to lift your spirits? This shoot was so fun and is full of life, it will just have to put a smile on your face, haha!! What should I say? I just love these 2 kiddies and their sweet, sweet parents!
First up, cute little Des
so many smiles, love him
and his cute sister, Mabel
Mabel showing me her angry dragon, haha! What a little doll <3
That look! <3
A few with mommy
and a silly with daddy
The life of a parent
One of them all in one spot!
How cute is that? Haha!
Sweetness <3
Dancing in mommy & daddy’s shoes, haha!!
And a few of their parents
I just love these!
So much fun
This family has a lot of fun together, can you tell?
But I think we can say, that after the shoot, this is how we all felt, haha!!!
Love you guys! Thanks for an awesome shoot!!
Location: Longfellow’s Wayside Inn
Ah man, I can’t take it!! What an adorable family, one is cuter than the other! I mean look at this!!! I’m one lucky photographer. That’s it. That’s all I can possibly say!! <3
Kendra, you have your hands full, in the best possible way, haha!! Thank you SO much for letting me capture your little sweeties thorough the years, I can’t believe sweet little Francesca is already 5!!
This photo? Pure sweetness!!
She’s SUCH. A.DOLL!!
and has such a beautiful heart too! A sweet, big sister that loves life to the fullest <3
And this little guy, haha! A true whirlwind!
Those eyes!! <3
Antonio, the littelest guy <3
Ahhh, that light and Miss future model! <3
These two heart melters! <3
and 2 photos with their sweet mommy too
Life of a mommy with 3 kids, haha!
Boston Wedding & Family Photographer
And I’m talking about the cutest 6 cousins ever! Nicole & Kendra, you get all the props in the world for getting them to look our way, haha! 6 kids between the ages of 1 and 5! I mean … seriously!! And we got the cutest photos too!!! But look for yourself, I can’t even pick a favorite!!!
Such good little friends! I just love them!
Boston Wedding & Family Photographer
Oh do I have a treat for everybody this week. Photos of 6 super sweet cousins up on the blog next!! I can not believe I’ve known mommy for over 7 years when I shot her and her hubby’s engagement photos. Since then they’ve grown a beautiful family, with 3 super sweet boys. I persuaded them to go back to the same spot where we took last year’s photos, the Bradley Estate in Canton, MA as the light there and the backdrop is just so yummy
Thank you so much for sticking with me despite our move, Nicole! LOVE seeing you guys and watching your sweet little boys grow <3
Here are just a few from their set. Enjoy!
Meet Nico (5), JJ (3) and little Roman (2)
He’s such a sweet, handsome little man!
This little guy just can’t be any cuter!
So sweet!Pure sweetness!
This look, haha!!
And he must just have the biggest smile ever
Oh my gosh!!
3 little monkeys sitting on a rock
So handsome!
I’d have trouble ever saying no to this little guy <3
Haha! A little family pile
And one with mommy
Little Roman decided to be very serious in this one
Boston Wedding & Family Photographer
Finally sharing some photos from Brooks 6 months session, I couldn’t have wished for a happier & more relaxed little guy to shoot, what a treat! :o) and while we were at it, we got some photos of his sweet and beautiful sister Asha too, what a cute little ham :o)
I have to start off with some of my very favorite photos, sooooo cute!!! :o)
And one more from my mini series which is available to my existing clients, this time of sweet little Merrick :o)
I had to sneak one in with his favorite stuffed animal too :o)
Fort Collins Family Photographer / Fort Collins Wedding Photographer
Can’t believe I’m THAT far behind with my posts, since this little buddy is a big brother already (he wasn’t yet when took those photos). Again just a little mini shoot, I could even persuade his beautiful mama to sneak into some photos also :o)
Fort Collins Family Photographer / Fort Collins Wedding Photographer
Catching up with my blog posts again, haha …. I always seem to be posting them in waves … so here comes a little tsunami :o)
Had this little mini session back in February and finally wanted to share them on here :o)
Fort Collins Family Photographer / Fort Collins Wedding Photographer
My two little sweeties are wishing you a faaabulous Halloween! :o)
And two of us … whyyyy not :o))