Remember this girl?? :o) I can’t believe she’s already NINE months, my goodness how time flies … I know, I know … everybody keeps telling you “They grow up so fast, enjoy every minute”. But you know what? Unless you have a little peanut that just grows right in front of your eyes (!), you won’t believe it!
I think this is my 3rd shoot with this little girl, and oh my, she is just getting cuter and smilier every time I see her (and can those big, blue eyes get any bluer???)! What a little doll!
This session was a bit bitter sweet for me, as I won’t be able to see her and her cousin (+ both mommies) for a couple of months, BUT I do hope I’ll see you guys again next spring / summer, I am already counting the days =o)
Kendra, give your precious little girl a big hug from me, hope you enjoyed your gallery :o)
Happy fall everybody!
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Did you spot her first tooth?? How cute!
I just want to give her a big hug :o)

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