Oh my am I late with this post! I was soooo excited to share all the photos but boy, chasing two kids around sure keeps me on my toes … ok, Amelia doesn’t run away from me YET, haha … but sure keeps me busy :o))
Soooo, here they FINALLY are! Photos from my sweet Anya’s second birthday party :o) Loved how everything came together. She loves (and I mean LOVES!) playing tea party, so the theme was a no brainer, ha! :o)) We just had to invite some dear family members, friends and … uhm … could of course not forget her monkey :o)) I tries to keep it sweet & simple with some nice tea party touches without going over board with the “theme” :o) She definitely had a blast at our pre-birthday shoot, haha and loved all the tasty cookies and cupcakes :o)
A very happy birthday to my little girl! I can’t believe you are already two!
I call Anya “Spatz” a lot, which means “little bird / sparrow” in Swiss German, so I tried to include little birdies in the set-up too :o)
My cutie:
She loooves pouring tea :o))
Probably my favorite photo of the set :o)) Love her little eyebrows in this one :o)) She wanted to share her cookie with the birdies, haha! Love this girl :o)
I just love her so much! <3
And a few party photos before everybody got there :o)
Made the little cork-thingies myself, it was an easy DIY, just needed some pearls and some lace :o) Oh and I hang some pear strands off our lamp (to help showcase the cake a bit), loved how it turned out :o)
I made most of the sweets myself, you can find some of the recipes here: Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries, Chocolate Bark (with cranberries)
Thought I’d incorporate some of Anya’s photos also … just picket up some frames from Michael’s and spry painted them .. and voila :o)
Oh, … and I made some birdies also, haha .. that was quite a project, but I think they came out quite cute :o)
Don’t have an English version of the almond-moons … but let me tell you, they are taaaasty! :o)
Oh … the little plates were a DIY project also, they’re basically old vintage plates on handleholders. Easy, fun and oh so pretty!
Loved the dollies also :o)
I wasn’t too happy with the decoration of Anya’s first birthday cake, so I thought I’d do it myself this year :o))
Let me tell you, the chocolate covered kiwi-kisses were quite the hit! You gotta try making them sometime! YUM! And look at the watermelon hearts :o) I’m getting hungry, haha!
Oh … made a little banner too … :o)
Check out the cookie plate :o)
Figured I’d try to find a way to incorporate some of Anya’s first words … she loved to make up words & names :o)
Oh, and while I was at it (ha!), I figured I’d also make a little wreath :o)
That’s it! :o) Awwww … TWO years already!! :o)

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