I have a couple of personal shoots to share, so I hope you guys are ready for my little friends invasion :o)
I’m gonna start of the series with Grazyna (and you thought MY name was complicated, haha) and her 2 gorgeous kids! This was probably the funniest shoot I’ve EVER had, so I hope you guys will enjoy the photos. What should I say? I love you guys, every one of you! You are a wonderful little family and Grazyna, I sure hope I’ll raise my kids to be as sweet, well behaved and kind as yours!
I’m going to start of with one of my favorite shots of Alinka, what a beautiful girl! Love, love, love this shot of her!
My dear friend Grazia :o)
And her handsome son, Tomek!
I love the following series: Alinka tried to sneak in a kiss … didn’t quite make it .. not on the first try anyway :o)
You know! You guys are just too cute!
Isn’t she just a doll? And look at those blue eyeeesss!!! A real beauty!
And a couple with mommy :o)
Love this one of you two beautiful girls! I can’t believe how similar you guys look!
You guys look so serious in this photo, what happened?? ;o))
Hey, why not??? I always wanted to do a sand-angel! :o))
You are one gorgeous looking lady, Grazyna!
Oh and if you guys wonder if Alinka managed to sneak in a kiss … OF COURSE SHE DID!! :o))
And I’m going to end this set with the following snapshot: ;o)) You guys crack me up! :o))
Thank you, thank you, thank you for a reallly fun shoot! Love you guys! :o)
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