Summer is my absolute favorite season, I love the warm weather, I love that the kiddies can do all those fun outdoor activities (they’ve all become quite some swimmers this year) and I love the long, long days. I guess all good things come to an end at some point, yesterday when I dropped Anya off at school, it was the first day where I thought now summer is over. While it was still very warm, the wind blew and with that there were lots of leaves on the ground. We haven’t been at the pool for weeks either, so I guess fall is finally here, if I want it or not, haha! BUT our friends and we decided to have one more perfect summer night (after all, it was this perfectly warm day). The kiddies had so much fun reading some of their favorite books to each other and running around with their flashlights, I can still hear their giggles. Good, good times Here are just 2 from our last summer night, and with that … good-bye summer, until next year!