My little sweetie <3
Month: July 2015
Merrick just turned 3!! :)
I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this little sweetie since he was born, and I can not believe he’s 3 already! He was all smiles during our shoot, so ridiculously sweet!
Cute, cute, cute!! What can I say?
Haha! Cheeeeseeee
So very sweet! <3
And one of sweet Nancy & Kendrick too
Still smiling …
Haha! Bye little guy! Hope to see you again next year
Fort Collins Family Photographer
Wishing everybody a wonderful weekend :)
My girls and I sure love summers
Sweet little Owen, 4 months old <3
I love documenting all the cute baby stages. At 4 months they’re such sweet little babies, so happy and giggly Little Owen was no different, pure 4 months deliciousness
Don’t you just want to eat him up?
That look, haha!
Those cheeks!!!
Just too sweet! <3
And one with mommy
Mabel (2), Desmond (4) and their sweet parents :)
Do you need something to lift your spirits? This shoot was so fun and is full of life, it will just have to put a smile on your face, haha!! What should I say? I just love these 2 kiddies and their sweet, sweet parents!
First up, cute little Des
so many smiles, love him
and his cute sister, Mabel
Mabel showing me her angry dragon, haha! What a little doll <3
That look! <3
A few with mommy
and a silly with daddy
The life of a parent
One of them all in one spot!
How cute is that? Haha!
Sweetness <3
Dancing in mommy & daddy’s shoes, haha!!
And a few of their parents
I just love these!
So much fun
This family has a lot of fun together, can you tell?
But I think we can say, that after the shoot, this is how we all felt, haha!!!
Love you guys! Thanks for an awesome shoot!!
Location: Longfellow’s Wayside Inn
My little star :)
I decided I need to get my creative juices flowing during this super busy time. Not maybe people know this, but I usually work until 1/2am sometimes even until 3/4am, as my work day usually doesn’t start until my kiddies are put to bed. But since I have them all day, every once in a while I treat myself (and them) to a little photo treat and we usually do something fun/ny
Here’s one from our little sports series This photo just puts a smile on my face, hope it will do the same for you
Francesca (5), Aldo (3) and Antonio (1.5)
Ah man, I can’t take it!! What an adorable family, one is cuter than the other! I mean look at this!!! I’m one lucky photographer. That’s it. That’s all I can possibly say!! <3
Kendra, you have your hands full, in the best possible way, haha!! Thank you SO much for letting me capture your little sweeties thorough the years, I can’t believe sweet little Francesca is already 5!!
This photo? Pure sweetness!!
She’s SUCH. A.DOLL!!
and has such a beautiful heart too! A sweet, big sister that loves life to the fullest <3
And this little guy, haha! A true whirlwind!
Those eyes!! <3
Antonio, the littelest guy <3
Ahhh, that light and Miss future model! <3
These two heart melters! <3
and 2 photos with their sweet mommy too
Life of a mommy with 3 kids, haha!
Boston Wedding & Family Photographer
And I’m talking about the cutest 6 cousins ever! Nicole & Kendra, you get all the props in the world for getting them to look our way, haha! 6 kids between the ages of 1 and 5! I mean … seriously!! And we got the cutest photos too!!! But look for yourself, I can’t even pick a favorite!!!
Such good little friends! I just love them!
Boston Wedding & Family Photographer
Nico (5), JJ (3) and Roman (2) :)
Oh do I have a treat for everybody this week. Photos of 6 super sweet cousins up on the blog next!! I can not believe I’ve known mommy for over 7 years when I shot her and her hubby’s engagement photos. Since then they’ve grown a beautiful family, with 3 super sweet boys. I persuaded them to go back to the same spot where we took last year’s photos, the Bradley Estate in Canton, MA as the light there and the backdrop is just so yummy
Thank you so much for sticking with me despite our move, Nicole! LOVE seeing you guys and watching your sweet little boys grow <3
Here are just a few from their set. Enjoy!
Meet Nico (5), JJ (3) and little Roman (2)
He’s such a sweet, handsome little man!
This little guy just can’t be any cuter!
So sweet!Pure sweetness!
This look, haha!!
And he must just have the biggest smile ever
Oh my gosh!!
3 little monkeys sitting on a rock
So handsome!
I’d have trouble ever saying no to this little guy <3
Haha! A little family pile
And one with mommy
Little Roman decided to be very serious in this one
Boston Wedding & Family Photographer
Thank you Facebook Fans!!
2,000 likes, wow! If you would have told me 10 years ago that I’d eventually have 2,000 people follow my work, I’d have told you you are crazy! I used to be a pretty shy person, that would have never wanted to stand in front of a bunch of people asking to look at her, haha! I met SO many wonderful clients thorough the years, and I feel so lucky that I am still in touch with so many, yet alone call some great friends! I LOVE seeing families grow, and document precious memories that I hope you are all treasuring for forever. It really warms my heart when I see your photos pop up as your facebook profile photo, and it breaks my heart when I see you post a photo that I took of you and somebody that recently deceased … but I am happy I was able to create those memories for you. Thank you for staying in touch with me and letting me be part of your lives!
Thank you for being part of my life too! Every once in a while I post photos of my little loves and I’m so happy to open up to you and let you into my life. I hope I can put a little smile on your face with my little cuties
All that means so much to me! Even if we never met, and you’re just following my work, I appreciate you! I love staying in touch so thank you for clicking on that *like* button, and thank you all for your sweet words throughout all those years!
Thank you for following my journey <3
What should I say?
My girlies love little animals – and I love how curious they are about the world!
Kristina & Jacob • Dell-Lea, Chichester, NH
Oh my goodness do I have a special treat on my blog today! This is one beautiful set of a sweet, sweet couple saying YES at a beautiful spot on a perfect day. Can’t get much better, right? Loved all the silly shots with the bridal party also, haha! And how perfect was the venue? Those views towards the rolling hills, just beautiful ad a touching ceremony to the mix and you have pretty much a picture perfect, remarkable wedding day.
Kristina & Jacob, thanks soso much for letting me document your fairytale wedding, we had so much fun with you! <3
A very special thanks to Savannah who joined me that day Thanks for your help, girl!
Oh my gosh, those shoes!!! LOVE them. I could never wear them at a wedding, but my goodness are they pretty!
Surpriseeee, who knew?!
So fun!
So this one might be my all time favorite bridal photo. My gosh!!!
But then …. Kristina rocked ALL of her photos, and we got a TON.*no words*!!!
That smile!
Kristina, I mean seriously …
We were able to sneak just a few more photos at the venue before I met the guys .. and when I say “just a few”, I’m lying. Oooopsie!
Uhm yup!! Gorgeous!
Just so beautiful!!!
Too much!
And those flowers?! LOVE them!!
SO pretty!
The florist better gets those photos!
Kristina and her besties
She has a lot of friends, ha!
A lot of super pretty, fun and silly friends!!
Ready for the guys?
Meet sweet Jacob!
Time to say YES!
I know you guys were excited about this day for a long time, and I’m so happy for you guys, and HEY!! It did NOT rain! What a perfect day!!
I just really love this shot! You can tell, they’re good friends.
Kristina read some a diary entry from when she met Jacob. May I say that my tears were flowing? Ahhhhhh. Busted!! Thank goodness for a big camera in front of my nose
Ahhhh, love this shot!!! Couldn’t be any more perfect (if I may say so myself, haha!)
What. A. Day!!! Super sweet couple, perfect weather, beautiful venue, some tears shed, I mean … what else would you want on your wedding day?!
Soooo fun!
A fuuun bridalparty, haha!
A few more of just the girls, couldn’t resist
Don’t blame the photographer, haaahaaa!!
Can you tell that some of them are professional performing artists? Ha!!
I mean we already know she killed her photos, right? Why do I even post more?!
Photos of the sweet couple!
Ahhhh, so pretty!
Kristina brought some props, ha!
You guys!!
Steamy! :oP
So freaking gorgeous!!!
AND sweet!
and happy!
Think we’re only half way trough their set …. just kidding … but then probably not.
I’d say this bride got her forever after …
Almost done with their photos, just a few more!
I could keep going and going
Ahhhhhh!!! Will be on my website in no time!
Alright, alright …. we’re done!
Party time!
Look at those pretty center pieces! All crafted my the bride’s mom! <3
Kristina surprised Jacob with a song
I don’t really ever share videos on here, but one of their guests (Philip Sliney) grabbed a fun video and I figured I’d post it. You just gotta check it out, what a fun surprise!
Kristina, you have a heck of a talent!!
These cracked me up, hehe! Some bridesmaids took the bouquet toss very seriously
Good times!
Alright, just a fewwwwww more!
And these!!! Oh my!!!
Couldn’t decide which one I liked better, so here’s a slightly different crop. That’s it, that’s the last photo!
Were you part of the wedding? The gallery will be ready later tonight, so make sure you get in touch with the sweet couple to check out some of the other photos
The gallery is HUGE (surprise there!!). 3,600 photos. I need a vacation!!
And they lived happily ever after
That’s it! Oh my gosh!! What a long post, haha! Next wedding I’ll be shooting will be in Colorado! *Finally* So excited!! But next up on the blog will be a few family / baby photos … I’m still not caught up with all my photos from my Boston family sessions (oh-oh!!) and more local shoots are already on the calendar
Big, big congrats again, Kristina & Jacob! And a lifetime filled with happiness!! <3
Ceremony & Event Venue: Dell-Lea, Chichester, NH
Second Photographer: Savanna Dos Santos
Videographer: Anthony Moreschi
Hair & Make-up: Salon K
Florist: Cobblestone Design Company
My little Hooligans :)
Caroline & Peter • Northriver Yacht Club, Tuscaloosa, AL
My goodness, where do I start? Considering how long I’ve been thinking about this blog post, I have to admit, I’m still out of words.
Caroline & Peter’s wedding was just breathtaking! What a way to stat off life together! I can say with no doubt that everybody had the best time, and I mean the VERY best time! Tuscaloosa people sure know how to celebrate a couple and the band did such an *amazing* job – honestly … best band I have ever heard at a wedding! Caroline’s mom did such a beautiful job making everything look SO beautiful and making everybody feel so welcome and the venue … my goodness!! I really don’t know what to say, I know this wedding will stick with me for a long, long time, I hope everybody will enjoy the little peek into their huge set.
Caroline & Peter, you are a wonderful, sweet, caring couple, I wish you nothing but the best! Congratulations again and thanks for having me!
Caroline’s beautiful dress:
My goodness, everything looked just so beautiful, the dress, the glamorous shoes … even the hanger! Can I please have a hanger like that?! Ha!I can’t get over the shoes!!
Meet Caroline, the beautiful bride
Good times, with good friends
One with her sweet mom too
Ahhhh, so gorgeous!!
I mean, seriously! How gorgeous is she?!?!
Soooo beautiful!!
And the flowers! Oh my!!! No words!
Meet the handsome groom, Peter
Caroline & Peter decided to do their photos before the ceremony, so we sneaked to NorthRiver before the reception:
Love these!!
Ohhhh my gosh!! That look!
This one might be my favorite, but then … I like them all!
There she is again! SO gorgeous!!
Love this one too!
Meet their HUGE bridal party! That’s 29 people!
Handsome group of friends!
Don’t blame the photographer for all the photos, haha! I have no idea what happened here … Anybody feeling like being the King of the world on the Titanic?
Or maybe we got a little breeze? It sure was a HOT, humid day, and the guys (and the bride!) got all my respect staying cool while we were taking photos
Ok, group hug! Uhm … what’s happening here?
There we go!
And don’t forget … hands in your pockets … it only took a few shots
There we go
Everybody likes a casual, chatty photo, right? Uhm guys … hello … anybody still with me? Ha!
It’s the ladies turn
Aaaaahhhh, so beautiful!!How about a chatty shot?
What should I say? They’re pros!!
I love all the photos! I have a feeling you girls will be all over my website
Sister! <3
BEAUTIFUL sister!!
Caroline & Peter celebrated their ceremony at St. Francis
Aaaaaaand the photographer is tearing up. Since I have daughters on my own, dads walking their daughters down the aisle make me all teary eyed.
What a beautiful church! I am still a little sad that we had to stay in the back, I’ll just never get used to it. It’s sad that some photographers were so disruptive that in some States it’s just not allowed to be on the side / front, but it makes me sad I didn’t get to document any close-ups.
Congrats again!!
Ahhhhhh, excuse the venue-photos-over-share. Eeeeek, but everything looked SO gorgeous!!!
Are you speechless yet? I know I was!!
Those flowers!!My gosh!!!
Look at that!! What a place!
I know, I know … I’m still not done …
I could keep going an going …
The cake! My goodness!!!!
Ok, last one!
These two!!
Mr. and Mrs. McLean!
Father / daughter dance … with a dance-crashing grandpa, but I think nobody minded
Mother / son
Ok … are you guys ready for some serious dance shots?! I LOVE a good party! And with that band, backdrop and that AWESOME crowd … I was in heaven
You know it’s a good party if grandpa gets on the dance floor
Sorry, 3 of these I already posted above … but … in case you missed them, ha!
Fun, fun, fun!!
Well, that’s it! With 3300 photos I’m calling this a wrap! What an awesome couple, bridal party, venue, day, evening, EVERYTHING! I feel like I need to go on a vacation now, haha!
Hope you enjoyed the photos. I’ll upload some of them to their facebook gallery, so feel free to (re)-visit if you want to leave a comment on a certain photo
Thank you Caroline, Peter and Suzie for having me … and for everybody for all the smiles, especially to the bridal party, I know it was hot, hot, hot that day (sorry I looked like a red tomato, haha!) AND a very special thank you to Amanda for flying out from Florida and second shooting with me that day, thanks girl!!
Congrats Caroline & Peter!!!!
Ceremony: St. Francis of Assisi, University Parish, Tuscaloosa, AL
Wedding Venue: Northriver Yacht Club, Tuscaloosa, AL
Second Photographer: Amanda Faber
Wedding Planner: M. Elizabeth Events
Videographer: Kyle Sliger Productions
Floral Design: KG Designs
Entertainment: Compozitionz
Hair/Makeup: Emily Somerville
Cake Baker: Barb’s Cakes
Ceremony Musicians: Bonnie Furuto
Bagpiper: Birmingham Bagpiper, Ryan Morrison
Lighting: A.G. Lighting
Group Transportation: Rare Transportation
Bride + Groom Transportation: Coats Classic Cars
Rentals: Special Events
Tuscaloosa Wedding Photographer: Yours truly A Brilliant Photo
A girl and her little friend :)
Who said only boys play with toads?

Fort Collins Family Photographer
Oh my!!
I am so behind with blogging, it’s not even funny! I think it’s been about a year, that’s what 3 girls, a move and some house renovations will do to you! Oh my! BUT instead of trying to catch up on things, which … let’s admit it, …. will never happen, how about we start fresh?
Hello there 2015! Let’s hope I’ll keep it up again a little better
Can you believe this monkey is already 1.5?
This one is 3.5!!And this monkey is a little over 5! How time flies! <3