Month: March 2011

Anya, 11 months old

So, since I’ll be in Boston without my baby, I figured I’ll post some photos as I know many of you guys would have wanted to see her :o) Here are a couple recent ones of my little fire cracker. Hope you enjoy :o)

My little cutie:

Love those lips!

This one is dedicated to mama as she gets pinched … a LOT … I’m sure they’re all love-pinches though, right? ;o)

Dressed as daddy’s little pirate girl:

Arrrrrr :o)


… off to new adventures:

Playing peek-a-boo with mama:

And one with her first tooth:

I love her so much!

Can’t wait to see everybody later this week! <3

Baby Ryker, 1 month old + sister Gwyneth (3 years old) + their parents :o)

Time to post some more baby photos! YAY! :o)

Lill Ryker (1 month old) + family visited me a couple weeks ago. I can’t even tell you how much I love photographing babies, haha … MY baby keeps looking bigger, and bigger next to all those newborns! Crazy how time flies!

With this post and with some of his sister Gwyneth’s photos, I also wanted to raise awareness for Down Syndrome, especially since March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. World Down Syndrome Day ( is on March 21 (3-21 for Trisomy 21).

Also, have a peek at mommy Megan’s blog if you want to have a peek into their life :o)

Thanks so much for visiting me, hope to see you guys again later this summer! :o)

Oh and … psssst … happy almost-birthday little girl!! :o)

Love this one of lill Miss Gwyneth :o)

Cutie pie alert!! She’s such a sweetheart! :o)And one of the whole family: