It’s time for an other wedding post! A bit delayed ……, but I finally got around to go trough your huge set. Thanks so much for your patience! Your photos will be online shortly, I am already looking forward to sharing them with you :o)
Celina & Brian got married at the Hall of Springs in beautiful Saratoga, NY. I’ve never been there before so this was my first visit and I have to say, it’s a truly beautiful city & venue to get married at! It was a HOT (hot, hot, hot AND humid – oh so humid day), BUT, after the initial rain the sky opened up and we had nothing but beautiful weather. It sure was a sublime wedding.
I hope you guys enjoy your preview – this time with some party shots :o)
Oh and btw!! Did you guys see this, you got featured on your venue’d blog! :o)

I loved your beautiful necklace, Celinda! So very pretty!

And I loooved that huge mirror in the room :o) Even if the space in that particular spot was rather tight, I love all the sneaky mirror shots I was able to get :o)

Celinda prepared this fun “cheat sheet” … basically a sheet with all the important info for everybody involved. What a GREAT idea!!!
What a pretty bride!! :o)
A beauty:

Such a pretty veil … and those eye lashes ….. beauuuutiful. I am *one* lucky photographer to have such beautiful brides :o)
There is rarely a wedding, where I don’t do this shot, one of my favorites, a classic :o)

Meet Brian, the handsome groom :o)

Loved this arch way, took some more photos there with the whole wedding party.
Awwww, those 2 were soooo cute!! 

Yup, it was raining right before the ceremony … :o(

They held their ceremony at the Hall of Springs. Gotta say, I haven’t seen a venue more elegant than this one!
What a cutie!! :o)

Love all the wedding party pics we got, hope you’ll like them too :o)

I think this one is my favorite :o)
Haha. I didn’t even pose that one … I was takign pics of Celinda & the guys when Brian looked around the corner :o))
Awwww :o) Btw! Loved the colors you guys picked!! 

And a couple of *just* the handsome couple :o)

My new, favorite prop :o))
Lori took the next 2 set of photos. Love them!! :o)

Just can’t get enough of them …. like they didn’t have enough photos already …. :

Lori actually took this one, had to share … how pretty!!
Awww. I think this one is my favorite from the day, just love the colors. You guys are such a cute couple!!

Ok, how beautiful is this?????
Haha, loved the chicken :o))

I’m in love with the venue, how couldn’t you be??

Uhm ok, so …. We got some nice getting ready photos, the ceremony was wonderful … got some awesome photos with the fun bridal party, … some beautiful photos of the 2 of them, the photographer is already veeeery happy, haha … and now just tell me they’ll all end up on the dance floor! … Sure thing they did!! What a perfect wedding!! :o)

Let me tell you … this was no sleepy party …
The crowd was on the dance floor the *entire* time!
And these guys will get e special feature, haha!! That was some seeerious dancing!!! :o)

Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful day with us!!
I am already looking forward to seeing you guys again (Celina & Brian decided to do a Trash The Dress Shoot later this summer, I am soooo excited YAYAYAYAYA :o) )
A veeeery special thanks to Lori, for being my wonderful second shooter that day! :o) Thanks for all the amazing photos!
Band: The Karen Lawrence Band
Hair & Make-up: Lipstick~N~Lashes, Joanna Romanzo
Flowers: The Floral Garden