I don’t usually post videos, but these 2 are quite beautiful :o) Enjoy:
Her Morning Elegance from Oren Lavie
A Thousand Words from Ted Chung on Vimeo.
via swissmiss
I don’t usually post videos, but these 2 are quite beautiful :o) Enjoy:
Her Morning Elegance from Oren Lavie
via swissmiss
Let us treat you for Valen-Tease Day and WIN a Boudoir Shoot! Send us an email & tell us how you want to surprise him with some beautiful photos. There are only TWO spots available! Included is a 1.5h session & all the high res, touched up photos on a CD. Hurry, there are only a few days left! :o)
And the winners are:
C. & K., congrats!!! :o)
A new baby joined out little family :o)
(Do you hear angels singing while you look at the pics??) :o) … haha … I loooooove my new camera, oh my gosh, I have no words to describe the difference!!! YAY!
I am SO excited, we got a little blog-face-lift for the new year!!! Watch out the link changed, so update your bookmarks! :o)
Wowzer! I had some gooooood looking ladies that joined me last Sunday :o)
Interested in a session? Check our prices & have a look at our available dates, or visit our boudoir-blog and have a look at some more photos. Pssssst, we still have a few dates available for 2009! :o)
Here are just a few photos from our last session:
(Thanks for letting me post them ladies!) :o)